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The Units in Sequoia Future Tech Series 6 offer investors the ability to gain 100% leveraged exposure to the performance of the iEdge Artificial Intelligence & Robotics 10 EW 5% Decrement NTR Index over a 3 year period.
Capital Protected Series 1 & 2 are 2 year investments offering investors capital protected exposure to the performance the Macquarie MQCP900F Index (”the Reference Asset or Index”) during the Investment Term, fully currency hedged into AUD.
Investment Themes
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Sequoia Alpha Series is a structured investment whereby investors obtain 100% leverage and exposure to any positive performance of the NXS DNCA Alpha Bonds ER VT 5% Index (”the Reference Asset or Index”) over a 3 year period with the potential to receive an uncapped Performance Coupon at Maturity dependent on the Index Performance, adjusted for changes in the AUD/USD exchange rate during the Investment Term.
The Sequoia Launch Series of investments provide 100% leveraged exposure to the the future growth of a range of different indices, ETFs, or stock baskets across a variety of asset classes and investment styles including equities, bonds, gold, and multi-assets
The Sequoia Commodities Series of investments provide 100% leveraged exposure to a range of sectors included within the commodity asset class including Energy, Industrial Metals, Precious Metals and Agriculture
The Sequoia Future Tech Series of investments provide 100% leveraged exposure to the performance of either indices , ETFs or stock baskets which in turn provide exposure to the technology sector with an emphasis on emerging technologies of the future
The Sequoia Clean Energy Series of investments provide 100% leveraged exposure to the future growth of a range of indices, ETFs or stock baskets that focus on companies investing in clean energy technologies
The Sequoia Launch Series of investments provide 100% leveraged exposure to the the future growth of a range of different indices, ETFs, or stock baskets across a variety of asset classes and investment styles including equities, bonds, gold, and multi-assets
The Sequoia Optimiser Series of investments provide 100% leveraged exposure to the the future growth of a range of different indices, ETFs, or stock baskets with the inclusion of a structured feature which aims to improve the overall risk/reward profile for investors . Such features can include optimised break-even levels, profit lock-in features, and best of features etc.
The Sequoia Dispersion Series of investments provide 100% leveraged exposure to the dispersion of a range of Reference Baskets of securities including listed US shares and/or listed global shares
The Global Lithium Series provides investors with exposure to lithium mining and battery production companies that are listed on different markets around the world through one trade.
Our Mission
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Sequoia Specialist Investments (SSI) is a leading issuer of bespoke investment products to retail investors, sophisticated and wholesale investors. SSI has established a suite of products providing investors with exposure to unique investment themes and structures.
Since 2010 Sequoia Specialist Investments Pty Ltd(SSI) has been building innovative investment solutions for Australian investors. SSI works with investors, financial advisers & stockbrokers to develop and deliver investment solutions that meet the needs and objectives of their clients.
Over the years we have developed numerous investments opportunities that give investors access to both local and foreign shares and indices that offer income and capital growth potential.
SSI can also offer a variety of solutions for professional advisers where we can provide white label solutions for groups that want to retain their own branding.
To find out more please contact us on 02 8114 2222

$2.4M 3+
Raised each year in funding
Wholesale Investment Opportunities each year
Years in combined team experience
SMSF accounts opened each year
Market Updates
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to help you make better decisions about your investment ideas.
February 2024: Are you US equity markets due for a correction?
Sequoia Financial Group introduces US Equity Hedge Series: A timely strategy for market…
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The inflation conundrum and where to invest?
The Russian invasion into Ukraine has presented challenges for investors which has…
June 9, 2022
Global market reaction on Ukraine crisis, inflation & commodities
The Russian invasion into Ukraine has presented challenges for investors which has…
March 14, 2022
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